Life Planning: A Guide for Beginners

Are you one of those who live your life with a plan? Or, are you one of those who want to live in a planned way but cannot establish this order? Planning your life seems so good. Having certain plans and starting to implement them step by step…

But, it’s not as easy as it looks, right? You may not know where to start. It has to be a plan that should eventually get you where you want to be in life. Yes, this may seem a little difficult at first glance.

But the first step is through dreams. And, who doesn’t have a dream? For this reason, many of us have certain plans. There is another problem here. Yes, we have dreams, but many of us don’t know exactly how to plan a life that will work properly. In a sense, we may not know how to make a change in our lives.

Life planning is a process. In this process, everything cannot be expected to happen all at once. Therefore, no need to think of yourself as an unsuccessful person. Choose your goals, focus on them and immerse yourself in the process. This can happen in a month or years… If you’re not calm, you may panic and experience the feeling of failure.

Choose your goals, focus on them and immerse yourself in the process.

Everyone is different from each other. They have different desires, passions, and goals. Therefore, not everyone can be expected to go through the same life planning process. The important thing is that you feel good during this life planning process and approach your goals step by step.

We’ll try to be informative for you in this article. Let’s start looking in more detail. 

Advantages of Having a Life Plan

Having a life plan is the key to achieving that plan. By making life planning, you can reach the things you want in your professional life or other areas. Because planning is half the battle! Let’s look in more detail.

You Feel Powerful

Having a life plan gives you the feeling that you’ve control over your life. You feel powerful because you know that achieving your ideals is in your hands. 

You Stay Motivated

With life planning, your goals will always be in front of you. If you put it in a place where it’ll always be in front of you during the day, you’ll feel much more motivated to realize your dreams. 

You Make Better Decisions

After all, you know what your goals are through life planning. This allows you to make more accurate choices when making decisions, and you can make decisions that fit your goals. 

You Know Your Priorities

When you make a life plan, you know what your priority is in life. In this way, you’ll act by knowing your priorities in daily life, and you wouldn’t exhaust yourself with things that you don’t want to.

Your Dreams Come True

And, we’ve saved the biggest benefit for last! Thanks to life planning, you can walk the path to your dreams step by step and make real them. 

How To Make a Life Plan: Step-by-Step Guide

After knowing that you’ve goals for life planning, the most important thing is to understand how to achieve them. You can quickly become a life planner by following the steps below. Here they’re…

1. Create a Vision

The most important step is the first step. What’s your dream life like? Ask yourself this. Think about your dream down to the smallest details. Use pen and paper while you think about it. We’ve prepared some questions to help you. Such as:

  • What’s your daily routine?
  • How much money do you earn?
  • How do you feel in this life?
  • Who is with you?
  • What do you have around you? For example, is there a smell?
  • What job are you doing?

Think about them and write your answers on paper. Remember to be realistic. But of course, it never hurts to dream big from time to time. 

2. Evaluate Yourself

What have you achieved so far? What did you learn from your mistakes? Again, take a pen and paper and evaluate yourself. This important step guides you about what you should pay attention to when planning your life. 

Remember, success isn’t the only thing that matters. When planning a life, failures are as important as successes. It allows you to see your strengths and weaknesses. 

When evaluating yourself, it’s better to look at your life from many aspects rather than just one. Such as:

  • Your social life
  • Your health
  • Your personal development
  • Your economic situation

Look at these areas and other areas that come to mind and make an assessment of yourself. 

3. Care for Yourself

You’ve now come to the third stage. So, you know what your plans are. Moreover, you know your strengths and weaknesses to make it happen. Then, it’s time to prioritize yourself to make them real.

The important thing at this stage isn’t to set goals. You’ve already done this. The important thing at this stage is to see what’s important and what’s not to achieve your goals. In this way, you begin to do only those things that will do you good and cause positive developments in your path. You stop doing unnecessary things. You use your time correctly. 

4. Determine Your Values

The best way to do this is to look back. Looking back at what you did in the past allows you to learn from them, or to see what you did right. For example, were there things that motivated you in the past, and if so, what were they?

You can ask yourself questions like these. For example, look at your career. Are you close to where you want to be right now? For example, can you get the promotions you want? Then, you’ve taken important steps in your career in the past and you’ve done the right things. The opposite is also possible. In the opposite case, you have a chance to learn from failures. You see what you don’t want to experience again. You take action towards what you want to live. 

Determining your values will also have a positive impact on your decision-making process because you’ll know what you want and you’ll be able to make the right decisions. 

5. Let Your Goals Be in Line With S.M.A.R.T

Now, you know your vision. It’s your turn to decide on the method of doing them. And, on the way, the S.M.A.R.T technique will help you. 

This technique is a realistic, achievable plan to achieve your goals within a certain period of time. You can use this technique for life planning in all areas of your life. So, what’s this S.M.A.R.T? Here, let’s explain.

Specific: It means that your goals are clear. For example, setting a goal of eating more vegetables instead of eating healthy. 

Measurable: This means that your goal is visible.

Attainable: This means that you set a realistic goal.

Relevant: The goal you set is related to what you want in life. It’s kind of what you need.

Time-bound: Having a time frame to accomplish your goal. It can be two months or two years. 

6. Write an Outline

It’s also very important to outline the road to life planning. Here, you plan what you’ll do step by step. In this way, you make it more detailed.

You can do this in various ways. For example, you could try a journaling method. Or, you can keep a calendar. Here, you can set daily goals for yourself and try to reach them. 

The important thing is that this outline is at a point where you can see it all the time. For example, you can put it on your desk…

You can congratulate yourself when you achieve your goals. The more you reward yourself, the more motivated you become. 

7. Allow Change

There is no need to think of life planning as something that limits you. After all, the main purpose of life planning is to get you to your goals.

There may be setbacks on this road, or even your plans may change. For example, you can suddenly stop being what you once wanted to be. This is perfectly normal.

Therefore, when faced with such a situation, no need to get discouraged and give up. Sit down and reconsider your plan. Make the necessary changes and move on. 

Having a life plan and being determined to implement make you stronger.

Five Areas for Life Planning

This is something that varies from person to person. Some people want to make separate plans for every area of life, while others want to make them only in some areas or in a single area. This is entirely up to you, but we’ll cover the five main areas to give you an idea. 


Life Planning for Health

Health is the most important thing in our life. Therefore, a health-related life plan may take the first place. This will be good for you. You can do this in ways like:

  • Get enough nutrition
  • Drink lots of water
  • Lose weight
  • Lots of walking
  • Go to the gym
  • If you think you need it, go to a dietitian 


Life Planning for Relationships

The second most common area of life planning is relationships. This can be for a romantic relationship, friendship, or family relationship. You may want to be successful in your relationships. For example, you may feel that you’re not listening enough, and you may practice life planning to become a better listener. For example, it could be:

  • If you’re in a romantic relationship, you can try doing different things with your partner
  • You can plan more activities to strengthen your bond with your family
  • You can strive to be a better listener
  • You can aim to meet new people


Life Planning for Career

This is life planning that you can apply if you’re not satisfied with your current job or if you want to get better at your job. This is also valid for entrepreneurs. You do life planning to advance in your career. You can do this in the following ways:

  • If you’re not satisfied with your job, set a weekly limit to apply elsewhere
  • If you’re satisfied with your job, plan where you see yourself in the future
  • If you’re a business owner, set long-term goals
  • Work with a business coach


Financial Life Planning

Financial planning is intertwined with career plans. However, this may vary and be a different field depending on your profession. 

It’s important to set priorities in financial goals. For example, if you want to keep in touch with your family for the sake of making more money, this priority should be determined well. So, how can you make financial life plans?

  • Setting a monthly budget and sticking to it
  • Getting familiar with the industry
  • Having long and short-term goals
  • Working with a financial advisor


Life Planning for Being a Part of the Community

One of the most important parts of living a healthy life is to feel belonging to a community. Loneliness can be harmful to people. Therefore, community life planning is also one of the most common life planning. Ways for community involvement can include:

  • Trying to spend more time with your family, friends, or partner
  • Doing volunteer work
  • Joining various groups 

How To Create an Accountability Plan

Once you’ve decided on your goals, the next most important step comes. It’s to carry out these plans. So, what are the ways to do this? We can count three ways.

Find a Friend

We’re not talking about an ordinary friendship here. We’re talking about a friend who’ll help you to realize your life plans. This could be a trusted friend, a family member, etc. You can think of it as sharing responsibility. If you can’t think of anyone around you, you may want to consider contacting a coach. Using a life plan template is another option.

Detect Progress

Determine certain times with your friend with whom you share responsibility, and try to come together at times and determine how much progress is made. It would be better to keep this process in a written form to be more concrete. If you find that the process is going well, you may want to turn it into a celebration. This will do you good and motivate you. 

Be Open to Change

It’s perfectly normal to have times when you can’t follow life planning. This could be for various reasons. For example, you may feel that the plan you’ve set up is unrealistic. Instead of despairing in such a situation, try to make the plan more realistic. You can think of it as flexibility. One way to achieve goals is to be open to changes as needed. 

How To Make a Life Plan: Conclusion

Here we come to the end of the life planning article we’ve prepared for you…

Having a life plan and being determined to implement make you stronger. You seldom fall into despair because you’re determined to pursue your goals.

We hope that this article has helped you with life planning. We wish you stay motivated and achieve your goals!

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