Best Apps for Digital Nomads

If you’re living the life of a digital nomad then you’ll know all too well how difficult it can be to find quality apps that can improve your everyday life. Thankfully, we are here to narrow down the pool. In this short article, we’ll be going over just some of the most quality and useful apps that can help improve your everyday life as a digital nomad. Without further delay, we’ll jump straight into our first app recommendation. 




The first recommendation we’ll make is Trello. This app is one of the most popular apps amongst digital nomads at the moment. Trello allows you to be able to keep track of any projects or events that you may be engaged in. As well as keeping track, you’ll also be able to do a multitude of other handy acts. Among these extras include exchanging notes, uploading files, and creating different forms of boards. Generally, Trello is the perfect app if you’re looking for a more organized way to manage any projects. 



Next up on our list is Evernote. Evernote is similar to Trello in the sense that it makes organizing just that little easier. Evernote allows you to keep track of a variety of things. For example, websites, pictures, or files you need. It would work great in tandem with an app like Trello. 


Active Collab  

As mentioned, as a digital nomad or a freelancer working remotely, you may be involved in several projects. Active Collab focuses specifically on team projects. Team projects can be notoriously difficult to keep track of. Keeping everyone involved equally with a clear path set is all the more difficult the more people get involved. This is where Active Collab comes into play. Active Collab is perfect for team projects for a multitude of reasons. However, some of its most boastful features include managing finances, invoices, and resources that have been put toward projects. 



Coming in a similar vein when compared to our two previous entries, Wunderlist prioritizes organization. This app allows you to have the simplicity of a straightforward to-do list but has intuitive features that can help you structure the tasks you need to get done. 



Being a digital nomad, you understand the advantages of being self-employed. One of the biggest advantages of being self-employed is the ability to form your schedule. Twilight is an app that can help you climatize to your schedule. A late nighter can be bad for your eyes. Twilight comes in and adjusts the colors on your screen to fit the time of the day that you’re working. 



Once again, with the advantages that come with working from home, there are also disadvantages. Noise is impossible to escape and can be quite a hindrance to your productivity. This is where Focus@Will will be able to help you. This app has a selection of ways in which you can cancel out noise through a variety of white noise and other sounds that assist in canceling out annoying sounds in your surroundings. 


Time Doctor 

Time doctor is a fantastic way to keep on top of what you’re doing throughout your daily life. Even if you are not someone who works remotely, for example, a freelancer, Time Doctor is still of massive benefit to you. Social media apps in the modern day are designed around sucking away as many hours of our day from us as possible. Time Doctor will push you to remain focused on important tasks or work. This app is perfect for you if you find yourself getting easily distracted or prone to procrastination. 


XE Currency  

When working online or as a freelancer, you may be dealing with different currencies. XE Currency is perfect if you find yourself having to convert currencies daily with your work. It can exchange the currency rate for several currencies all in tandem with one another. It is ideal to have on hand if you need consistent conversation rates.


Trail Wallet  

When traveling, which you may be doing a lot of as a digital nomad, your funds can easily begin to slip away without you even noticing. Trail Wallet is an app that keeps track of any payments you make, and in specific categories too! It allows you to set daily allowances alongside other features. This will ensure that you can keep an eye on what your spending habits as of recent have been, and thus, work to save more money in the short and long term. 



Working from home can leave little room for any other activities, especially daily exercise. Fitness apps like Seven can allow you to remain active despite the restrictions

of working from home. Seven supplies 7-minute workouts daily that are intense despite their short interval. Best of all, these exercises don’t require a piece of equipment to be purchased. 



Keeping physically fit is important but keeping mentally fit is just as important too and is often overlooked. Headspace is a great meditation app that can help you significantly reduce any distress you may be feeling daily. This app teaches you how to meditate easily and effectively daily so you can stay mentally healthy while working from home.

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